Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Death Takes a Ride by Lorena McCourtney

Death Takes a Ride is the third installment in the Cate Kinkaid Series by Lorena McCourtney. This was not my favorite of the three. For some reason I never connected with the book (not sure if it was the book or if it was just larger things looming in my mind at the time of reading). 
I was hoping for a fun read with some mystery, and was looking forward to giggling a lot. The book was good and the mystery was one that I couldn't figure out, but there was just something missing for me. 
I have enjoyed the series so far though and I  hope that this isn't the last of Cate Kinkaid.

From the back cover:
Cate Linkaid arrives at H&B Vintage Auto Restorations to give a friend a ride. But, as usual, trouble finds Cate even there--this time in the form of one dead man, one wounded man, and what appears to be a pretty obvious case of self-defense. 
Despite having been merely an unfortunate bystaner, Cate finds herself sucked into the case. And the deeper she gets, the m ore she begins to suspect that the shooting in the H&B office may not have been as cut-and-dried as it appeared.
Bestselling and award-winning author Lorena McCourtney takes you on a wild ride in this clever cozy mystery that will keep you guessing.

This book was provided for review by Revell.

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